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Waking up to a UK outside the EU

Dear All, We cannot at the moment know what the full consequences of the separation between the UK and the EU will be. The emotions and desires on the issue on both sides cannot be dismissed. Either way, whatever the result of the referendum, a big group of the voting population would have been unhappy … Continue reading

Much Ado about Crowdfunding

Invitations to contribute to crowdfunding campaigns have become increasingly more commonplace over recent years. From established players like Kickstarter and Just Giving to those newer to the scene such as Spacehive and Hubbub, great causes that might otherwise never have happened are finding the necessary support by reaching out to the many rather than relying … Continue reading

Lets ‘Do it together’! A journey in science, technology, art – & policy – begins! An introduction

Citizens without Borders is honoured to take part in an exciting endeavour for the next three years: ‘Doing It Together science’ or DITOs. But what is DITOs, who is involved, how, and why? In the following weeks we will be posting more news about CwB’s and our partner’s engagement in DITOs and answer these crucial … Continue reading

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